
बिहार के बेगूसराय जिले से बीड़ी मजदूरों का एक अफसोसनाक खबर सामने आई है.जहां बीड़ी मजदूर अपनी हालत पर आंसू बहाने को बेबस हैं.केंद्र सरकार के द्वारा चलाई जा रही योजना बीड़ी श्रमिक कल्याण कोष अधिनियम 1976 के तहत बीड़ी मजदूरों के लिए सरकारी आवास, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ, संबंधित क्षेत्रों के लिए योजनाएं चल रही है.लेकिन बीड़ी मजदूर इन योजनाओं के लाभ से अब तक वंचित है.बेगूसराय में बीड़ी मजदूरों की तादाद की बात करें तो करीब 40 हजार से ज्यादा है.

लेकिन सरकार की उदासीनता कहें या अफसरशाही की इन बीड़ी मजदूरों हालत का कोई सुधि लेने वाला नहीं। आजाद बीड़ी यूनियन के महासचिव डॉ.एहतेशाम उल हक अंसारी ने मिडिया को बताया कि बेगूसराय जिले के लड़वारा गांव में लगभग 90% अल्पसंख्यक तबके की महिलाएं बीड़ी बनाकर जीवन यापन करती हैं.लेकिन बीड़ी मजदूर महिलाओं का कोई दर्द सुनने वाला नहीं.वर्ष 2007 में 278 बीड़ी मजदूर के आवास निर्माण के लिए 40 हजार में से सरकार ने पहली किस्त की राशि 24 हजार रूपये दिए थे.

मगर 16 वर्ष बीत जाने के बाद भी आवास निर्माण की दूसरी किस्त की राशि नहीं मिलने से इन बीड़ी मजदूरों का घर आधा अधूरा ही रह गया.इस मामले पर पटना हाईकोर्ट ने भी बीड़ी मजदूरों को आवास निर्माण के लिए दूसरी किस्त देने का आदेश बेगूसराय जिला पदाधिकारी को दे रखा है. पदाधिकारी के उदासीनता के कारण उन बीड़ी मजदूरों को आवास निर्माण के दूसरी किस्त की राशि नहीं मिल पाई है.बीड़ी मजदूर शमीम अंसारी, रजिया खातून, समीना खातून, नजराना खातून, गुलशन आरा, हलीमा खातून, मुस्तरी खातून काली देवी मंजू देवी , अनीसा खातून ने बताई कि अगर आवास निर्माण की दूसरी किस्त की राशि नहीं मिलती है तो हम सभी बीड़ी मजदूर मिलकर मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार के सामने आत्मदाह करेंगे.

1,256 thoughts on “बेगूसराय: 278 बीड़ी मजदूरों को 16 साल बाद भी नहीं मिली राशि,आवास का सपना रह गया अधूरा”
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  9. Make a preliminary bibliography. This is your initial search for source material. It should contain at least ten primary and secondary sources. The intent is to convince the reader that you have conducted sufficient background research. If you are wondering—how do I make an argument when I haven’t written the paper yet? Well–that’s the challenge. Come up with a plausible, reasonable argument for the purposes of the abstract. If you end up writing something different in the actual paper itself, that’s ok! As with writing a traditional research paper, research proposals are generally organized the same way throughout the social sciences. Most proposals are between ten and fifteen pages in length. However, before you begin, read the assignment carefully and, if anything seems unclear, ask your professor whether there are any specific requirements for organizing and writing the proposal.
    There is a section you cannot afford to ignore, mainly if you are writing a paper for assessment purposes. Always consider parallelism, coordination, subordination, and division. The body of your paper is where you will be presenting all your arguments to support your thesis statement. Remember the “Rule of 3” which states that you should find 3 supporting arguments for each position you take. Start with a strong argument, followed by a stronger one, and end with the strongest argument as your final point. Parallel structure or parallelism is the repetition of a particular grammatical form within a sentence, or in this case, between points and sub-points. This simply means that if the first point is a verb, the sub-point should also be a verb.

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  13. Vote at Full-time De Bruyne has been at the heart of City’s creativity, as he normally is, and we might expect to see a change from Guardiola out wide as the two wingers, Foden and Mahrez, have been handled well by Manchester United’s full-backs. Dan Thomas, Shaka Hislop and Kieran Gibbs; Alexis Nunes and analyst Nedum Onuoha from Wembley Under iconic former manager Alex Ferguson, United became the first and only English soccer team to win the league title, Champions League and FA Cup in one season in 1999. Another chance for City! United is rattled. Dalot is again outworked by Silva on the left, who barely prevents the ball from going for a goal kick and sends the cross in. No United player is able to clear it and the ball lands at Foden’s feet. He takes a touch and sends it for the top left corner but hits it wide.
    We and selected third parties use cookies or similar technologies for technical purposes and, with your consent, for other purposes as specified in the cookie policy. The stadium possesses of the capacity of 90,000 audience and is comprised of two ends High Court End and the Pavilion End. Each team will play a total of 14 matches in the whole IPL League, out of which 7 matches at home and another 7 away. The top 4 IPL 2023 Tournament Teams from the IPL Points Table Standings will face each other at playoffs, yet to confirm soon after 21st May. On 28th May the final of the League Match IPL 2023 will decide which Team will win this year’s IPL trophy. This IPL season will see “seventy-four” matches, which include seventy league matches (each team will play fourteen matches), two quarterfinals, one eliminator, and the final match. Teams that win six matches usually qualify for the semifinal and elimination stages of the tournament.

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    Many people have asked me what I mean by queen 6 4, wondering for example whether queen 7 3 is greater than queen 6 4. In any poker based game hands are scored first according to the highest card, then the second, and then the third, and so on if there are more. So a queen 7 3 would beat queen 6 4. The queens tie so the second highest cards are used to break the tie, and a 7 beats a 6. The third card does not matter in this case because the hand was resolved by the second card. Pop! Events Group specializes in Business, Marketing, Team Building and Employee Engagement events in Toronto and the GTA. Since 2005 Pop! has provided an exceptional one-stop-shop experience, including full-service event planning, event rentals, activations and corporate gifting. Play against a paytable rather than the Dealer and win with only a pair or Jacks or better! Receive a pair of 6’s through 10’s and push. Players make their best five card poker hand using their two cards and three community cards.

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  17. Other notable video poker options at Caesars include Deuces Wild, Regal Poker, Five Play Draw Poker and the latest addition to the catalogue — Five Play Ultimate X Poker. This one, just like Game King, offers nine paytables under a single game. Caesars offers a free-play demo version for all video poker versions if you want to test a game before wagering real money. However, there is one simple strategy tip that’s easy to remember. Recall that we said that your bonuses carry over to your next spin, regardless of whether you take the Ultimate X feature on that next play. This means that when you’re ready to wind down your sessions, you should always play your final spin without paying the extra coins for the multiplying feature. The logic is simple: there’s no point paying twice the price for that final spin when you won’t be using the fruits of your efforts anyway. Of course, you could always play until you fail to get any wins when you’re about ready to quit, then stop right there – but we like the idea of playing your final hand at half price.
    There are less number of chips and 10 articles of cloth. 100 chips is a good number. So, if there are 5 players everyone would have 20 chips. There would be a winner and loser in every round. It is believed that strip poker was invented around the same time as traditional poker. The term was mentioned in 1926 for the first time ever. It could be that strip poker was played at night in brothels. There are less number of chips and 10 articles of cloth. 100 chips is a good number. So, if there are 5 players everyone would have 20 chips. There would be a winner and loser in every round. Strip poker is a type of poker where the main goal is to try and keep as many clothes as you can and strip your opponents naked. If you lose a round, you have to remove one piece of clothing; it’s that simple. Sometimes, besides undressing, other activities may be involved, such as “truth or dare”.

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