गया/मंथन डेस्क

शीतल यादव ने गया जिला परिषद पर पुनः क़ाबिज़ हो कर जिले की राजनीति में फिर अपना सिक्का जमा दिया है.वह निर्विरोध उपाध्यक्ष पद के लिए चुन लिए गए हैं.उनके ही गुट से नैना कुमारी भी निर्विरोध अध्यक्ष निर्वाचित हुईं हैं.शीतल दिवंगत जिला परिषद के अध्यक्ष बिंदेश्वरी प्रसाद उर्फ बिंदी यादव के अनुज हैं.शीतल पहले भी जिला परिषद के उपाध्यक्ष रह चुके हैं .बिंदी यादव भी जिला परिषद के अध्यक्ष रहे थे.बिंदी यादव की पत्नी और शीतल यादव की भाभी मनोरमा देवी जदयू की एमएलसी हैं और अगले साल होने वाले स्थानीय निकाय चुनाव में सबसे मज़बूत प्रत्याशी हैं. यह परिवार बिंदी यादव घराना से मशहूर है.बिंदी यादव मिलनसार और व्यावहारिक नेता थे.जिले में उनकी तूती बोलती थी.कोरोना से पिछले साल उनकी मौत हो गयी.आज बिंदी यादव नहीं हैं मगर इस घराने की गिरफ़्त पहले जैसी ही है.मज़बूत घेराबंदी के बावजूद शीतल यादव का निर्विरोध चुना जाना इस परिवार की एकजुटता का प्रमाण है.

मनोरमा देवी

जिला की यादवी राजनीति में शीतल उभरते सितारे हैं.अग्रज बिंदी यादव की जीवनशैली को आत्मसात कर रहे हैं.हिंदू-मुसलमानों में समान लोकप्रिय हैं.बड़े भाई की तरह ही व्यावहारिक,मिलनसार,हंसमुख और जनता की दुःख सुख में साथ रहने वाले व्यक्ति हैं.उन्होंने अपनी जीत का श्रेय भाभी मनोरमा देवी और दिवंगत भाई बिंदी यादव को देते हुए कहा कि यह जनता का हमारे परिवार के प्रति प्यार है.बिंदी यादव घराना के लिए यह चुनाव इसलिए भी ज़रूरी थी कि अगले साल फ़रवरी -मार्च में गया,अरवल,जहानाबाद स्थानीय प्राधिकार के तहत विधान परिषद सदस्य का चुनाव होना है.सत्ताधारी दल जदयू से निवर्तमान एमएलसी मनोरमा देवी की दावेदारी मज़बूत है.

इस चुनाव के लिए पंचायत प्रतिनिधियों पर गिरफ़्त रखना ज़रूरी है.बिंदी यादव गया जिला के अध्यक्ष पद पर विराजमान रहते पत्नी मनोरमा देवी को उम्मीदवार बना कर विधान परिषद भेजने में सफल रहे थे.मनोरमा दो बार एमएलसी का चुनाव जीत चुकी हैं.इस बार भी वह अपनी जीत के प्रति निश्चित हैं.देवर शीतल यादव के उपाध्यक्ष पद पर क़ाबिज़ होने से मनोरमा देवी का स्थानीय प्राधिकार चुनाव में दबदबा बढ़ेगा.शीतल यादव के जलवा से जिले के दिग्गज नेताओं की राजनीतिक चमक फीकी पड़ गयी है.

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    Wales corner. James takes it and sends the ball out to Rachel Rowe at the back, and Bosnia get the last contact with the ball before it goes out. Meet the 22 products that exceeded our expectations this year “A disappointing night. First half we created enough chances to score but it has been the story of our Nations League, we have not quite had the cutting edge. GoonersGuide.com was established in 1999 to provide fan-based sports betting tips, previews, and betting odds for sports events being played in UK, Europe, United States, Canada and Australia. After the anomaly of a mid-season ‘pre-season’, new Blues boss Graham Potter can now shape the squad in his image with some new faces Forwards: Luuk de Jong, Noni Madueke, Anwar El Ghazi, Sávio, Yorbe Vertessen

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  19. Bitcoin is now a decade old, which in tech time is near death. But the hype around it obviously still has legs. In late February, Trademark Renovations, a general contractor based in Calgary, announced that it would now accept bitcoin to support a more level payment playing field. The press release insisted: “Once cryptocurrencies are adopted by the mainstream, the pricing for building materials and logistics will not be subject to the current fluctuations of fiat currency exchange as they are with USD to CAD.” Try telling that to the sad sack who spent 10,000 bitcoins on two cheese wheels back in 2010. Key figures and rankings about companies and products It’s hardly the first big surge for digital currencies. For years, enthusiasts and skeptics have watched them redefine volatility, with prices often changing by thousands of dollars each day. Those fluctuations have made many traders hesitate to jump on board.
    Money transmission under Minn. Stat. § 53B.03 is defined as, “selling or issuing payment instruments or engaging in the business of receiving money for transmission or transmitting money .” Licenses are required for “businesses that cash checks, transmit money, own and operate ATMs, and provide electronic funds transfers,” according to the Minnesota Commerce Department . The Crypto app is the simplest way to purchase, sell, send, receive, exchange, and pay using cryptocurrency via Crypto. The app supports free crypto deposits, crypto-to-crypto trades, and free transfers to the Crypto Exchange and DeFi Wallet. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze how you use this website, store your preferences, and provide the content and advertisements that are relevant to you. These cookies will only be stored in your browser with your prior consent.

  20. When econometrician and pro trader Juan M. Villaverde first applied his algorithms to Bitcoin years ago, he discovered a regular cyclical pattern. And he has since used it to build the world’s first crypto timing model based on cycles. Thanks to his analysis, the Weiss Ratings team has accurately picked the top and bottom of major crypto booms and busts. Sign up to tradeJoin the MEXC Community TodayAlways there for you. For those seeking the next major crypto moonshot, a high potential opportunity right now could be Chancer. The new project is building a decentralized predictions market on the Ethereum blockchain and it’s widely considered to be hosting one of the most exciting presales of the year. Early backers of the decentralized betting platform could see huge percentage returns, as Chancer stands out with an extremely attractive use case.
    Tesla did accept Bitcoin for its cars at one point. But, citing environmental concerns, the company removed the option to pay through Bitcoin. They do have plans to re-launch Bitcoin payments soon. CEX.IO Bitcoin Exchange Bitcoin ended the quarter at just under $19,000, giving Tesla a loss of more than $11,000 for every coin it still held. Happily for the auto maker, it had already sold most of its Bitcoin at a higher price during the quarter. Yes, the report claims that SpaceX marked down the value of their bitcoin by 373m (btw, that doesn’t mean they SOLD 373m) and sold *some*, but selling some doesn’t necessarily mean they have no bitcoin left t.co rLgwA0N8Zi pic.twitter GSrOio7zku Much has been made of Tesla’s Bitcoin holdings, reported in the company’s quarterly public earnings calls. However, SpaceX’s Bitcoin holdings are less transparent because the company is not publicly traded. The documents detailing SpaceX’s current finances were viewed privately by the WSJ and are not publicly available.

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    Bare in mind that reading the betting odds for the Masters isn’t entirely the same as all other golf majors, as there is always the historical aspect to consider. Masters betting odds are easy to read once you’ve done your homework! In response to that bet, and likely more action coming in on Woods to win the tournament, William Hill moved his odds down to 10 1, putting him tied for second with Dustin Johnson and behind Rory McIlroy (7 1) as one of the favorites to finish on Sunday atop the leaderboard. All statistics in this article reflect Woods’ performance prior to the 2023 Masters Tournament. We return to Augusta National to play the Masters with excitement arguably at an all-time high. The first item that must be mentioned is the potential inclusion of Tiger Woods in the field. Just a few weeks ago, most people would have thought the chances of the 15-time major champion playing this week would be slim to none. It will be captivating to see what Tiger can do at a course he loves when he hasn’t played competitively since November 2020.

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